September 22, 2017

How megatrends change cities and municipalities

The second part of the series of articles on "Megatrends and their effects on cities and municipalities", published in the German magazine Kommunalwirtschaft, is devoted to the "megatrend change of mobility”. In his article, Hauke Fischbeck, managing director of the BÜRO DR. VOGEL GMBH, examines the effects on the city through e-mobility, shared mobility and autonomous driving.

The article "Megatrend change of mobility" has been published in the current issue of Kommunalwirtschaft (8/2017). The third part of the series on the megatrend “Smart City” will be published in one of the next issues of Kommunalwirtschaft.

Read the article (German):

Megatrend Wandel der Mobilität – Kommunalwirtschaft, Heft 8/2017

Read the first part of the series (German):

Kommende Megatrends für die Kommunalwirtschaft – Kommunalwirtschaft, Heft 6-7 / 2017