May 2, 2016

“Urbane Mitte” at Gleisdreieck takes shape

With the decision in favor of the architects Ortner & Ortner Baukunst, the vision for the “Urbane Mitte” center at Gleisdreieck is becoming a reality. In November 2015, the jury chose the first two winners for their visionary designs for a vibrant quarter, where art, culture and networked working environments are all intertwined. After the evaluation of the first participation steps, the project developers decided to continue the project planning with Ortner & Ortner.

The first pioneering uses of the “Urbane Mitte” center are planned for the middle of the year. There is already a cultural area that is open to the public which, alongside gastronomy, also features a small brewery with a beer garden.

With the support of its development partner the BÜRO DR. VOGEL GMBH, the COPRO Projektentwicklung GmbH is jointly developing the 43,000 square meter space at Gleisdreieck. The area will mainly be used for office and commercial space for creative and networked working environments. In order to integrate the planned new City quarter into the existing environment in the best possible manner and to systematically involve the interests of stakeholders and the public at an early stage, the BÜRO DR. VOGEL GMBH developed a workshop procedure that was successfully executed in 2015. The commencement of construction is planned for 2018.

Further information can be found on the website: