The Gesellschaft für Bauen und Wohnen Hannover mbH (GBH) is a municipal housing company. As a partner of the public sector, GBH was to take on real estate services for the City of Hanover. The projects in question were primarily school projects in Hanover. These included the planning, new construction, financing and operation of Hanover’s largest comprehensive school, IGS Mühlenberg.
[Translate to Englisch:] Die Gesellschaft für Bauen und Wohnen Hannover mbH (GBH) ist eine kommunale Wohnungsbaugesellschaft. Sie plante als Partner der öffentlichen Hand originäre immobilienwirtschaftliche Leistungen für die Stadt Hannover übernehmen. Bei den in Frage kommenden Projekten, handelte es sich hauptsächlich um Schulprojekte in Hannover. Diese umfassten unter anderem die Planung, den Neubau sowie die Finanzierung und den Betrieb von Hannovers größter Gesamtschule, der IGS Mühlenberg.
GBH commissioned the BÜRO DR. VOGEL GMBH to conduct a study on the design of a PPP project (Public Private Partnership). This was to serve as a basis for decision making for a PPP project for the basic restoration and renovation of IGS Mühlenberg. From a structural and legal point of view, we had to identify the basic operations, scheduling operations and parameters that would have to be expected within the context of the PPP project for the City of Hanover and GBH.
The first step was a critical analysis of the optimization potential of a project process proposed by the City of Hanover for a PPP project. A model similar to a “Sale & Lease Back” model proved to be a better approach compared to the proposal.
The next step was to devise the scheduling process of the project. In this, the individual phases were explained and the services to be provided defined. The leeway necessary for private partners in terms of planning, construction and the construction process was defined.
The added value of the PPP model similar to that of “Sale & Lease Back” and the advantages of this approach compared to traditional PPP models were also elaborated and presented.
Results / Added value
As a result, GBS received a discussion and decision-making basis for the basic restoration and renovation of IGS Mühlenberg within a framework of a PPP model. It was possible to develop both an efficient approach and clarification requirements. Our model similar to "Sale & Lease Back” was a concrete proposal for the shaping and implementation of the PPP project.
The added value of our study lay in the transferability of this model with its variants to many other projects.
Project volume
€100 million